Infinite Wisdom of the Heart
Our Journey Awakens
Guidance from the Ascended Masters
Welcome! - we're glad you are here -
Now is a very exciting time to be alive, as the Earth is rising in frequency, and so are all of us, together with her. We invite you to explore these pages and if it speaks to you, this is an opportunity to join with us, the Ascended Masters, and
Angelic Realm in our next stage of evolution on our Earth.
Who Are the Ascended Masters?
The Ascended Masters are a collective group of beings who have authored (by channeling through Ruth) the book "Infinite Wisdom of the Heart - the Journey Awakens" over a period of more than ten years. The Masters include many well-known people who have walked the Earth for many lifetimes and now inhabit the higher dimensions. The primary authors of "The Book" are:
Gautama Buddha/ Babaji
Jesus/ Yeshua
The Divine Mother (all aspects)
St. Francis/ Kathumi
Paramahansa Yogananda
A Gift from the
Ascended Masters

This is a channeled message from the Masters describing one of Ruth's three
near-death experiences, that led to the development of the Life Study Guide. Please listen to this message as they are speaking to all of us!

Are you a droplet in the ocean? Or are you a droplet that co-created the ocean?

Let us explain that you are the co-creators of your life and your existence.
Now we are all awakening to a higher consciousness, to bring back the memory
that we have known before, as the Earth and you move forward.
So look into the internal waters of life and see the reflection of who you are and uncover what the waters of life mean.
Reawakening to the memory
of origin through the use of sound, meditations, universal teachings, and art-all gifted from those we know and call The Ascended Masters, and Angelic Realm. Everything is ready. Our world is moving forward now. This Mastery Course and music gifted from The Divine Voices are the way to find your heart, and recall who you really are. We can show you the unlimited nature of self.
Ruth Rousseau Clothier & Daniel

This is the book - please go to the book page for more information
Within the written word, and sound vibrational frequency, brings clarity of life. Breaking down the barriers of limitation. Your life moves through the barriers, opens to feel Love, and awakens to renew hope. Angels & Ascended Masters
Listen to Ruth tell her story and hear the
Ascended Masters speak
Ruth's in-depth interview with Alex Ferraro of Next Level Soul.
Listen to it again & again!
A recent interview with the Ascended Masters on the
Jeff Mara Podcast
Ruth's Interview with Kirsty Salisbury of "Lets Talk Near Death Podcast"
Ruth speaks about the Infinite Wisdom of the Heart
In the interview with Pegi Robinson (NDETV), Ruth discusses her journey
Ruth as Guest Speaker with Julian le Noohra on Tap into Unseen Realms
Hello from Ruth and Daniel

Daniel and Ruth are members of:
Spiritual Awakenings International
Sound Association International
Spiritual Awakenings International
Kirsty Salisbury's "Let's Talk Near Death"
International Association for Near Death Experiences