Welcome to the Wisdom
Are you a droplet in the ocean
Or are you in co-unity, a droplet that created the ocean
Let us explain that you are the co-creators
of your life and your existence
Now we are all awakening to a higher consciousness, to bring back the memory
that we have known before, as the Earth and you move forward.
So look into the internal waters of life and see the reflection of who you are
and uncover what the waters of life mean
A Gift from the
Ascended Masters
Reawakening to the memory
of origin through the use of powerful sound, meditations, masterful universal teachings, and art - all gifted from those we know and call The Ascended Masters. Everything is ready. Our world is moving forward now. This Mastery Course and music gifted from the other side are the way to find your heart, and recall who you really are. I can show you the unlimited nature of self.
Daniel & Ruth Rousseau Clothier
This is Your Invitation
Within the written word, and sound vibrational frequency, brings clarity of life. Breaking down the barriers of limitation. Your life moves through the barriers, opens to feel Love, and awakens to renew hope. Ascended Masters